Step 1

Basic Information
  • Fill in student's full name in both Arabic/English personal photo, mobile number,email address and home address.
  • Your name as written in passport.
  • A message will be sent on both the provided email address and mobile number for verification

Step 2

Submission Information
  • Enter the grade of the last academic degree obtained And you must enter your personal identification number (passport or national number) Then choose the program you want to join

Step 3

Postgraduate Requirement
  • You must attach all the required files according to the chosen program for postgraduate studies


  • A message will be sent to verify the phone number provided consisting of 4 digits which will be filled in the specified area
  • Another message will be sent to the email address provided which will require the student to follow the link sent to continue registration steps
  • The system will create an account for the student using the email address provided. Student will then click on the link sent and create a new password
  • Students can now log in to the system using the email address and password.
  • In case a student loses their password , they should contact technical support using the following link
  • Students should pay both nomination and application fees via an ATM card
  • A message will be sent in both mobile phone and email address to show whether the student’s admission nomination has been accepted or not with a link to continue the admission process
  • In case the student has been accepted, they must head to the university’s clinic for a medical check up
  • If a student has valid excuse to delay their medical checkup,this can be delayed up till before receiving their university card by filling the medical fitness form
  • If the student isn’t medically fit, the university has the sole right to refuse the student’s admission
  • A message will be sent via mobile phone and email address to show whether the student been accepted or rejected
  • When the student is accepted, they should log in to the system and pay the admission fees and installments
  • The student can now head to the management office to receive their university card
  • In case the student delayed their medical checkup , they must do the checkup before receiving their university card
  • A welcome message will then be sent via the system consisting of university’s dean message and a brief introduction about the university
  • The system will also create an email address for the student in which they can use for research and academic purposes
  • An account will also be created for the student to access the university’s knowledge portal where they can access lectures and academic activities posted via teaching staff.


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Admission live chat link

Fees live chat link